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الاثنين، 31 مارس 2008

...dawno nie pisałem...

...W moim innym świecie jest inna prawda
Tu Ciebie nie ma, to tylko wyobraźnia
I może dobrze, że los nie postawił na nas
W tym czego szukam nie ma nic prócz rozczarowania

Chodź w moim innym świecie jest inna prawda
Tu Ciebie nie ma, to tylko wyobraźnia
I nawet jeśli miałem rację to już poszłaś
I nigdy się nie dowiem, bo nigdy Cię nie spotkam...

...Drogi Pamiętniku...minęło 21 dni od mojego ostatniego wpisu...troche czasu...dawno chciałem tu coś napisać...ale jakoś nie mogłem poskładać myśli...zagubiłem się...bardzo...odciałem od wszystkiego i wszystkich...jest na nowo samotny świat...i nie chce niczego zmieniać...więc do kolejnej notki :) ...

الخميس، 27 مارس 2008

Plegar camisetas estilo Japanrigami

En este video podeis ver como una japonesa pliegan distintas cámisetas para guardarlas bien puestecitas usando principios del origami...no lo he intentado (soy más de dejar las cosas por ahí) pero parece entretenido o,o

الأحد، 9 مارس 2008


this time, it's different.
wasn't about the sales.
not the pay either.
it's about... ...FRIENDS, NEW FRIENDS!!!

alright, the it show just ended yesterday and i think my sales for the weekend was fairly acceptable since they refuse to let me work on the 1st two days.
however, i had a lot of fun there.
thoroughly enjoyed myself.
my colleagues happen to be a bunch of classmates with only 1 exception - she belongs to the same ballet class with one of the girls.
they were very chirpy, hippy and cheerful.
throughout the whole show, we just crapped around when there's little or no customers.
a few even danced while the crowd flowed in and out.
our boss is also very nice and friendly.
even though he claimed that i always "LL" him, i really think he's a nice boss.

6 of them: chen min, ilah, genevieve, alicia, tarsh and steven
a rather multi-racial group of girls and how long has it been since i had a friend of another race?
it was really cool.
sometimes, i do feel rather guilty when i speak in chinese in front of them because i wasn't being understanding and considerate.
i'll change.

lavinia, my girlfriend for those those who don't know, brought me green bean soup yesterday because i had a sore throat.
she also bought my favourite ribena pastiles and some siew mai so that i won't stay hungry.
thanks dear!
you're really sweet. =D


...i tylko szum...

Nie płacz
Dziś w nocy odejdę
Nie pytaj dlaczego
Przecież wiesz już czas
Zamknij swe oczy czerwone od płaczu...
jak moje...

Po raz ostatni ukołyszę
Twe serce do snu
Nigdy nie ujrzysz mego uśmiechu
Nigdy już Cię nie skrzywdzę
Wiem złamałem Ci serce...

Proszę nie zatrzymuj mnie
Opuszczę Cię we śnie
Odchodziłem i wracałem
Kiedy tylko chciałem
Teraz opuszczam Cię na zawsze...
nie mów nie...

...piękny wiersz...ma w sobie sens...ale taki głęboki i prawdziwy...no cóż mogę napisać więcej skoro wszystko w nim zawarte...mam napisać...że tęsknie...że brakuje mi Ciebie...tak...jak nigdy...ale nie chce wrócić do tych marzeń...bo pora żyć w rzeczywistości...a w niej nie mogę się odnaleźć...

السبت، 8 مارس 2008

...w nieznane...

...dlaczego...mój i Twój świat się zderzył...najgorsze w tym wszystkim...że na te pytania są odpowiedzi...

...kolejny dzień...szary...ponury...nudny...ot...szara rzeczywistość...mimo to moje odejście było świadome...sam nie wiem dokąd zmierzam...w nieznane...
...no a dzisiaj 8 marca...Dzień Kobiet...dzień szczególny bo każda Kobieta...Dziewczyna...powinna się czuć w nim szczególnie...no tak...w końcu Kobiety są po to by je kochać...
...Drogi Pamiętniku...pewno pytasz co dalej...heh...sam bym chciał wiedzieć...może się dowiem...ja tylko chciałem...ehh nieważne zresztą...żyję sobie w moim świecie i niech tak zostanie...marzeń mam dość...chce zacząć żyć tym co mam...to co jest tutaj...nie w marzeniach i snach...bo one są zwykle złudne...to by było na tyle...

الجمعة، 7 مارس 2008

...coś nowego ?...ale czemu ?...

...dziwnie tak...samotnie...ale mówiąc o samotnym świecie musiałem być gotowy na takie uczucia...czy jestem gotowy ?...nie wiem...myślę, że jestem na etapie przygotowań do tego...odejść jest bardzo łatwo...w końcu zawsze można wrócić...heh...ale to nie to...ja odszedłem i nie chce już wracać...nie chce udawać, że jest dobrze...

...marzenia i sny przysłoniły mi świat...pozwoliły choć na chwilę zapomnieć o tym co złe...co powoduje, że droga staje się jakby krótsza...każdego dnia...

...Drogi Pamiętniku...było wiele dni w których chciałem krzyczeć, chciałem pisać tu wiele rzeczy...ale coś blokowało mnie...może to i lepiej...co czasem szczere słowa ranią...a tego bym nie chciał...

...no cóż...gdzieś...coś...i idę inną drogą...tak będzie lepiej...nie dla Ciebie...nie dla mnie...to może chociaż dla innych...

الثلاثاء، 4 مارس 2008

Give Me A Break

i've been happy recently, just not today.
it's a pretty fucked up day.
i'm beginning to wonder whether the world i thought i'm seeing is actually the same one that i'm living.
word of caution: T-R-U-S-T.

anyway, came out with this a year or two back.
what colours do you exactly see through your eyes?
am i seeing the same "red" as you?
well, perhaps not.
you see, we have been taught to recognize colours since young.
however, have it ever occurred to you that the "blue" you have learnt since young was actually "red" in another's eye?
nope, you ain't colour blind.
it's just that these are patterns that we have instilled with since young.
from the eyes of four children, they see completely different things.
however, they answered in unison,"the sky is blue."
is it really blue "blue"?
that's what we're taught, isn't it?
john was taught that "red" was "blue".
mary was taught that "green" was "blue".
peter was taught that "yellow" was "blue".
jane was taught that "blue" was "blue".
and what's the real "blue"?
if you have the answer, i'll be thankful that you would share it by posting a comment on my entry.
however, i doubt there's any.
we don't question it because it doesn't make any sense except for further complication.

well, lots of things don't make any sense.
it just comes to my mind.
that's explains who i am.

الأحد، 2 مارس 2008


ok, i might be 2 months late but happy new year to everyone out there!

my blog has been really stagnant, to think that my previous entry was in december.
it's not that i don't want to blog.
i just need some inspirations.

the end of semester 2.2 marks the end of TB02 but definitely not the end to our bonding friendship.
even though i have been drifting apart from most of them due to my relationship, i do hope that there would be a chance for me to be closer to them again.

i used to think that i will not be "zhong se" anymore and will spend time equally with the special one and my friends.
however, things weren't that simple; or rather, i wasn't that smart to realize.
it seems that when people who are always hanging out get closer and closer, it's kind of hard to mingle in again.
it just seems like you're more and more detached from the clique.
the conversations seems alien, the emotions unfelt, it was as if i was in a third dimension, not understanding what's behind the laughters.
it's ok.
TB02 is a bunch of good people
i'll try my hardest even though i'm full of shit. =D

months ago, i was thinking to myself: how i wish "the dark knight" was screened now. it's still so far away.
now: gosh, it's only a couple of weeks away.
that's really how fast time flies.
it's not like i only noticed now, it's just that i have always feigned ignorance.
however, i realize that i can't go on like this forever.
i've been wasting my life away and not achieving much.
i've been asking myself this lately: are you satisfied with things?
there's no clearer answer to it: absolutely not.
if you ask me what i've been doing since i entered poly, i would reluctantly answer: i guess i finished 2 years of poly education.
that's it? yeah, that's all to it.
woah, look around!
who hasn't done the same thing?
there's one big difference between me and the rest: they just did far more than i did.
ok, don't be so down and get a little more positive about yourself.
you still got one more year so why not WORK SOMETHING OUT!!!
let's not waste our youth.
let's be someone more useful.

i've always aimed to get into smu but unfortunately, it's seemed like my dreams are dashed now.
apparently, i'm not that good at numbers.
i just figured out that in order to meet the minimum accepted gpa of 3.5, i have to achieve a gpa of 3.9 and above for the semester that just passed and my third-year semesters.
just the past semester alone and i can tell you that i won't make it.
well, sounds depressing but i got to figure out my alternatives now which are most probably overseas.
however, i won't give up in this final year.
i'm just going to plead my way.

well, i've still got more to say but i guess this should be enough for now.
i'll post another entry in a few days' time.
good grace, mum's starting to nag again.
ok, it's goodbye for now.

may the best be with you.

دردشة حية

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