official: hey..may i speak to ming jie?
me: speaking..may i know who's this calling?
official: i'm from the aids marketing challenge and i would like to inform you that your team has been short-listed..
me, calmly : oh..
lol..e above is a dialogue from a phone call i received this afternoon..actually, i received 3 missed calls from them earlier but i was sleeping at that, they did call back..they could have just chosen another team instead..
well, e key point in this entry is that our team, AIDS Aid, has been short-listed for the marketing challenge! WOW! however, this marks only the beginning of the road's going to be tough..
nonetheless, i would like to thank the following people for their contributions up to this point of time: zhu zheng, mingjun, harris, wei jie, khee onn, shu xian and gang, henry and mr jonas lee..
without you guys and gals, we wouldn't have come so's not really that far but it does seem far..ok, my english
as for my team members, there is something that i wanna tell u people but i cant really do it face to face..i know that you people have your personal commitments in your life..2 of you are involved in the IMF and it must be busy for you guys..that's why i didn't want to give you much work as it will only be more stressful to you..when the IMF thing is done with, lets work in a team ya? =D i just recalled something, the team members haven't even met each other yet! lol..rather amazing that we got to this stage when the team members haven't seen the faces of one another yet..since we have already come this far, lets give it our best shot and win this whole challenge! ha..=D
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